Monitoring and Evaluation Efforts in 2013
Historically, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Partnership for Clean Indoor Air has led our sector’s efforts to track annual progress within the cookstoves sector, with a focus on recognizing partner accomplishments, publicizing collective results of efforts in the field, and tracking global progress in the use of cleaner, more efficient cooking and heating technologies and fuels.
We look forward to hearing about their detailed 2011 results in March at the Clean Cooking Forum 2013.
The Alliance plans to launch its annual results reporting platform next year, and will send out more detailed information in January.
As the Alliance takes over lead responsibility for annual results reporting, we are working closely with PCIA to ensure that we can benefit from their wealth of experience improving their survey each year, and are working to refine and further expand our results reporting framework to better enable our broader group of stakeholders to share their progress.