Alliance Business Plan
Alliance will develop a comprehensive vision and strategy to address household cooking energy issues at scale. It will also work to ensure a community of aligned and cohesive stakeholders whose actions will enable markets globally and in priority countries. Alliance will enable markets through a combination of global, public good interventions (research, standards, testing, raising awareness, advocacy and knowledge sharing) as well as targeted innovation and capacity building support for enterprises along the value chain. Alliance has taken a portfolio approach to prioritizing its countries with consideration to size, impact, market maturity, innovation, need and partner commitment. Initial set of priority countries include Bangladesh, China, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda. It is likely that the Alliance will add up to an additional four countries from the following – Cambodia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania and Vietnam. Alliance will carefully utilize public and private grant funding to leverage substantial investment capital , likely $3.5b annually through 2030 to ensure full and universal adoption. Alliance has a three phased approach and strategy to achieve its goals of 100m by the year 2020, with the scaling up of production and adoption likely to begin in Phase 2 and continue with steep trajectory in Phase 3. Alliance will have a small Secretariat of dedicated staff members, an Advisory Council to support strategic direction of the Alliance, a Leadership Council to ensure that the issue and its resourcing remain a priority at the global level and Ambassadors to communicate the message to target audiences. Alliance will routinely measure its progress against a Balanced Score Card and adjust its strategies accordingly.