Assessment of Ethanol as a Household Fuel in Madagascar – A
This study responds to a request by the Government of Madagascar to the World Bank for analytical support in the development of alternative clean household energy sources. Component A evaluates the effectiveness of three household energy interventions and in comparison to a control group in one highland location (Ambositra) and one coastal location (Vatomandry). Component B provides a broad-based cost-benefit analysis of possible household ethanol development scenarios drawing on both international sector experience and primary data and contextual factors in Madagascar. Component C reviews the health benefits, cost-effectiveness and scaling-up and sustainability considerations of past household energy interventions, and outlines key lessons relevant for the Madagascar scenario. Results of the study show significant CO and PM reductions measured in households cooking with ethanol stoves and fuel and a strong economic argument for support of the wider use of ethanol stoves as an alternative to solid fuel stoves in Madagascar.