Best Summary (Biomass Energy Strategy)
The Ministry of Infrastructure, MININFRA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Natural
Resources, MINIRENA, recently issued a Biomass Energy Strategy, prepared together with the firm MARGE and
EUIE-PDF partnership financing. The results are interesting in the sense that Rwanda appears to be miles
ahead of other countries in the Region or the rest of Africa in terms of sustainable supplies of wood energy.
Unlike other countries, shifting cultivation has stopped and land clearing for agriculture and firewood does no
longer take place. Whereas wood in other countries mainly continues to come from natural forests, in Rwanda
it has come for some time now from tree plantations . These tree plantations have been planted by the
Government and by farmers, mainly to earn revenue and to protect the environment. It is just a matter of time
before other countries will enter into the same situation that now prevails in Rwanda.