Concept Paper On Snv’S Engagement In The Global Alliance For Clean Cookstoves
Since the 1970s, many activities related to clean cookstoves have been executed all over the world
but apparently failed to deliver the required impacts as technical, social, financial, institutional and
political factors were not taken into account sufficiently. Awareness in developed and developing
world regarding the scope of the problem, especially on the health impacts, and the range of
solutions available to policy-makers and development professionals has been scant. In addition,
there has been little funding in the sector compared with resources available to address comparable
issues or risks in related fields (electricity, clean water, malaria, TB, and health care). A
comprehensive strategy at a global scale has been non-existent, resulting in more isolated projects
that could not be brought to scale. Most notably, market-based approaches including the promotion
of commercial clean cookstoves by producers have been insufficiently applied.