Energising communities in Ethiopia
The vast majority of Ethiopians have no access to modern energy sources. They cook on three stone fires, and light their houses with smoky kerosene lamps. The health posts they visit lack the equipment to perform reliable diagnosis and their children cannot do their homework in the evenings. The lack of access to energy impedes people’s chances to prosperity and
development. Energising Development Ethiopia aims to overcome these barriers.
Over the past six years, it has electrified households, small businesses, health centres and social institutions. Furthermore, it has enhanced the production and sales of improved fuel saving cooking stoves for households and institutions. This brochure is a showcase of Energising Development Ethiopia. It illustrates what the programme has accomplished since its inception in 2006. Moreover, it explains how communities work to achieve lasting results.
The showcase Ethiopia consists of three separate but related stories. The first piece illustrates how the program is changing Ethiopians’ daily lives. The second story demonstrates how Ethiopian communities take responsibility for local energy projects. The third story proves the importance of building local markets for energy products to increase the programme’s outreach. Above all, this showcase tells the story of parents, nurses, farmers, and local entrepreneurs who have seen their lives
changed, or hope to see their lives changed, with the advancement of modern energy in their lives.
By presenting the story of Energising Development Ethiopia, this showcase hopes to inform and inspire policy makers, development experts and an interested general public. The Ethiopian experiences could serve as guidelines, examples and food for thought for everyone who intent to embark on energy projects in developing countries.