Opening Opportunities, Closing Gaps: Advancing Gender-Equal Benefits In Clean Cooking Operations
At the current rate of ambition, the world will fall short of achieving sustainable development goal 7 (SDG 7) by 2030. Slow progress toward access to clean cooking solutions has significant negative impacts on women (for example, harm to health from disproportionate exposure to household air pollution (HAP); safety hazards and risks to well-being; and the opportunity costs of fuelwood collection, fuel preparation, and inefficient cooking).
To accelerate the transition to clean cooking by 2030, the World Bank’s energy sector management assistance program (ESMAP) has established the United States (U.S.) 500 million dollars clean cooking fund (CCF). The success of such initiatives and future programs can be enhanced by gaining a greater appreciation of the gender gaps in clean cooking and heating operations and knowledge about how to bridge them.
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