Outdoor air pollution and health in the developing countries of Asia – a comprehensive review
The current report is the second PAPA literature
review, Outdoor Air Pollution and Health in
Developing Countries of Asia: A Comprehensive
Review (HEI Special Report 18). It begins with a
broad overview of the status of and trends in air
pollution sources, emissions, concentrations, and
exposures in the developing countries of Asia, as
well as factors related to urban development, population
health, and public policy that set the context
for the health effects of air pollution. Next, the
review describes the current scope of the Asian literature
on the health effects of outdoor air pollution,
enumerating and classifying more than 400
studies identified through 2007 via HEI’s Web-based
Public Health and Air Pollution in Asia — Science
Access on the Net (PAPA–SAN) literature survey
(HEI 2006). The review concludes with a discussion
that places the Asian health effects studies in the context of
the worldwide literature, identifies gaps in knowledge, and
recommends approaches by which to address them.