Peru Market Assessment Executive Summary
The Peruvian market is well established, with a well-coordinated national campaign bringing together all major implementers. Peru was also the first country to join the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (PCIA) Bi-Annual Forum was held in-country in 2011. In Peru, 34% of households currently cook with kerosene or solid fuels without a chimney, hence suffering from indoor air pollution (IAP). The WHO estimates that this results in 1,5002 annually. Although the focus is now clearly on improving health, deforestation was the original driver since Peru is aiming to halt all deforestation by 2018 (with international funding). As such, the government and a handful of NGOs began implementing ICS initiatives in the 80s, although the realities with regard to stove efficiency are unclear. CentroECO was one of the first NGOs to undertake a systematic approach to the issue of household cooking practices, taking a holistic approach to the sector to understand which stoves were likely to be successful and offered sufficient efficiency improvements. They also addressed the issues of ‘stove ownership’, using an innovative micro financing technique.