Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy, & Food Nexus
Renewable energy technologies offer substantial opportunities in the water,
energy and food nexus. The interlinkage between the water, energy and food supply systems – the nexus – is a major consideration in countries’ sustainable development strategies. Rapid economic growth, expanding populations and increasing prosperity are driving up demand for energy, water and food, especially in developing countries. By 2050, the demand for energy will nearly double globally, with water and food demand estimated to increase by over 50%. The ability of existing water, energy and food systems to meet this growing demand, meanwhile, is constrained given the competing needs for limited resources. The challenge of meeting growing demand is further compounded by climate change impacts. From the rice fields in India to desalination plants in the Middle East, and nuclear power plants in France, the nexus is already posing a significant challenge for improving water, energy and food security, a concern for policymakers today.