South Africa Market Assessment Intervention Options
This Market Assessment was conducted by Accenture Development Partnerships (ADP), the not-for-profit arm of the global management consultancy, Accenture, on behalf of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (the Alliance). It is intended to provide a high level snapshot of the sector that can then be used in conjunction with a number of research papers, consumer surveys and other sources to enhance sector market understanding and help the Alliance decide priority countries. Full slate of market assessments include studies in: Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, East Timor, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam. Each assessment has two parts: sector mapping (an objective mapping of the sector); and intervention options (suggestions for removing the many barriers that currently prevent the creation of a thriving market for clean cooking solutions). In each study a combination of ADP and local consultants spent 4-6 weeks in country conducting a combination of primary (in-depth interviews) and secondary research. They used the same Market Assessment ‘Toolkit’ for each country so that comparisons can be made.