Abha Light Foundation
Abha Light Foundation is an NGO focused on alternative health care and ecological solutions. We are a social enterprise by which we are able to generate funds to support our charitable work, so we're half-way between a charity and a small enterprise.
Organizational Expertise
Health, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Livelihoods
Other Organizational Expertise
Among some of our work: We have a history of projects and donor funded clinical health-care programs. We have published our own book on the natural treatment of HIV (see and distributed over 9000 copies of the books. We have a number of village clinics which are take-off points for community work. We grow and package our own spirulina, by which we sell some of it and distribute the rest as a nutritional supplement for undernourished children and patients of our clinics. We produce a number of products (see for sale and charitable distribution, including Malarix (for malaria), Flu-ex, Cancerbush Tonic, etc. We sell the health product AMCO Waterless Cookware
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Ethanol / Alcohol, Kerosene, Pellets / Briquettes
Clean Cooking Activities
We are involved with AMCO Waterless Cookware® As this is a high-end product, we'd like to be able to complement it with clean cookstoves. We feel we'd be able to approach our clientele for charitable support of this product
We are interested in becoming distributors of clean cookstoves in both the® free charitable distribution of this product where you have such interests, and® if possible be able to sell this product for profit in order to® either support the salesperson's income or® as an income generator for our NGO's other charitable work.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
PO Box 471
Nairobi, Nairobi 606
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Dr. Didi AnandaRuchira
Title: Director
Phone: (25472) 386-9133
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Jadu Rawi
Title: Programmes Manager
Phone: (25473) 389-5466
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