Africa Youth Fellowship
Our main mission is raise future young leaders of integrity as we believe that the best future is prepared beforehand and the best promoters are we young people.
We also apart from equipping them(young people) in Leadership give them some notions on how to protect the environment which has now become as dangerous as never before.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Monitoring and Evaluation
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
As read on the CCA profile,our organization which is Africa Youth Fellowship is directly involved in the climate action as we put our main focus on the protection of the environment starting from where we live in our respective local communities and of course this is as well related to CCA's field of work.
As we strongly believe that one person Can never go anywhere or even make a single step forward all alone,we also believe in the the partnership.
So as an organization,we will Always be under CCA guidelines as we will also promote CCA and its activities in our local communities.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Kinama, Bujumbura
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Kenty Nkamicaniye
Title: Founder and CEO
Phone: +25761546167
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Carmella Nyinawumuntu
Title: Project officer
Phone: +25768411890
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