BRAC Bangladesh
To empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. The interventions aim to achieve large scale, positive changes through economic and social programmes that enable men and women to realise their potential.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Lab or Field Testing, Livelihoods, Marketing, Microfinance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research
Other Organizational Expertise
WASH, Education
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
Encourage in bringing about a positive behavioural change in people towards healthier lifestyle through a more efficient cooking mechanism at Household level by increasing purchase and consistent use through behavior change communication.This, in turn, is also about promoting a clean energy solution of clean cooking stoves as a climate change mitigation effort in reducing carbon emissions.
• To raise awareness and change behaviours about the use of clean and efficient cookstoves towards positive behavior change in selected rural locations in the next two years;
• To help drive consumer demand for clean and efficient cookstoves and complement supply-side efforts in selected rural locations in the next two years;
• To encourage healthy carbon free household environment and help reduce exposure to toxic smoke from traditional cooking practices in selected rural locations in the next two years.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
75 Mohakhali
Dhaka, 1212
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Nazria Islam
Title: Senior Manager, Disaster Management and Climate Change Programme
Phone: +8801711020489
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Md Ashadudzaman
Title: Manager, Disaster Management and Climate Change Programme
Phone: +8801730351405
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