Carbon Credit Capital
Carbon Credit Capital® is a leader in capturing the benefits of carbon finance to help deploy projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and commercialize new clean technologies in the U.S. and worldwide.
Carbon Credit Capital, through its operations in the U.S. and India, links international and local partners to identify, develop, certify and finance high quality carbon emission reduction projects and commercialize new clean technologies in developing and domestic markets. We provide greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and risk management solutions to companies in India, the U.S. and worldwide. We identify renewable energy projects for companies to develop or in which to invest to meet Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements and/or reduce their fossil fuel reliance.
Carbon Credit Capital® assists companies in locating, designing and financing carbon reduction projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and other accredited standards, such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Climate Action Reserve (CAR), the Gold Standard and the Climate Change and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA). We work closely with companies to develop strategies and financing structures to monetize the carbon credits generated from projects and to access credit buyers and investors through our extensive network in Europe, Japan, North America and Australia.
Carbon Credit Capital® works with companies worldwide on their energy efficiency, renewable energy portfolio standard and greenhouse gas reduction strategies.
In summary, our services cover the following:
Carbon Management and Advisory
Corporate Carbon Management
Carbon Finance Solutions
Carbon Offset Investment and Transactions
Renewable Energy Investment and Transactions
Project Design and Management
Project Finance for Renewable Energy
Carbon Finance for Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Credit Generation and Sales
Corporate Energy Strategies
Energy Management Advisory
GHG Emission Reduction Advisory
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Advisory
Organizational Expertise
Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Research, Marketing
Other Organizational Expertise
One of Carbon Credit Capital's primary activities is to support certified carbon reduction projects by connecting buyers of carbon offsets to them. To this end Carbon Credit Capital puts a great deal of emphasis on supporting projects that are CCB certified and distribute clean cookstoves. Carbon offset projects have the potential to do so much more good than only help prevent climate change, and this potential for co-benefits that is one of Carbon Credit Capital's main motivators for engaging in the voluntary carbon market.
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
A project to highlight is the RMDLT Project which avoids unplanned deforestation of high conservation value rainforest in the Portel municipality in the region of Para, Brazil while also supporting sustainable development and cookstoves to the local community.® Code REDD® gives a nice summary:
The Project will protect 177,899.5 ha of forests encompassed in a privately owned area. The Project started its activities in 2008 through forest patrolling and monitoring to prevent agents of deforestation from encroaching the area. It is in 2013 that the Project is able to scale-up its activities and engage local villagers as paid staff in forest protection and biodiversity monitoring activities.
Approximately 130 families live within the boundaries of the Project and all of them practice subsistence agriculture. Since 2013 the Project –in agreement with the landowner- is working to provide legal land-use permits that will result in official land titles for those villages that actively participate in forest protection. Also, the Project is supporting local villages to strengthen their social structure, improve food security through agroforestry techniques and to use less fuelwood by using energy-efficient cookstove technologies. On top of the funds committed for the aforementioned activities, the Project will assign an additional 5% of the revenues from carbon sales to create a trust fund that will serve to support locally driven sustainable initiatives.
The project zone is inserted in an area of extreme importance for biodiversity conservation holding a great diversity and abundance of species. The Project will enhance ecosystem functionality by allowing regeneration of degraded forest thus eliminating ecosystem fragmentation.
Carbon Credit Capital can contribute by adding its expertise in selling carbon offsets to the project to help support financing cookstove distribution.
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean
Country Based In
United States
561 Broadway, Suite 6A
New York, NY 10012
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Karl Wasmuth
Title: Department Head: Business Development
Phone: 212-470-1343
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