Climate Chain Consulting
Facilitate the development of a voluntary carbon market adhering to international standards by supporting the right policy and regulatory infrastructure and offering tailored carbon credit solutions to clients.
Attract Climate Finance by designing and offering innovative Clean Energy & Climate Action Projects to Institutional and Private Investors.
Advance Pakistan's NDC and Green Economy with holistic climate action solutions aligned to National and Global Sustainability objectives.
Pakistan’s First Climate Token (Long Term Target)
Promoting Hydrogen as an Alt. fuel (Long Term Target)
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Gender / Women's Empowerment, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Research, Standards, Technology and Fuel R&D
Other Organizational Expertise
Renewable Energy align with SDG#7; Community Initiatives; Clean Cookstoves align with SDG#7; WASH-Access to Clean Drinking Water; Risk & Vulnerability Assessments; Environmental Impact Assessments; Carbon Offsets & Net Zero Transition align with SDG#13; Modeling & Forecasting Scenarios -Low Carbon Energy & Economic Modeling; Stated Policies Scenario Modeling; Announced Pledged Scenario Modeling; Net Zero Emissions Scenario Modeling; Energy Transition; Climate Change Carbon Emissions Modeling
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Crop residues, Electricity, Solar, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
CCC is currently in the process of designing clean cooking stove prototype. This design under our in-house technical lead is currently in the initial design stage .The aim of this project is:
1)To provide an alternate option to households in rural areas of the country, where there is lack of infrastructure, and the current mechanism of cooking is to burn firewood or coal inside their houses.
2) To reduce travel time for women, who travel up to 5hours (minimum) on daily basis for wood/coal collection and leaves them vulnerable to gender violence, sexual assault, and rape in extreme cases.
3) To mitigate land degradation, deforestation, carbon emissions, and health hazard risks emulating from the current cooking methods
The initial phase is to begin a project with a quasi -government institution in order to provide reason to believe for advocating clean cooking policy in the country and to eventually set up national accelerator.
We as an organization would like to work closely with the alliance to champion " Clean Cooking" agenda in Pakistan. This includes:
1) Net-Zero / Emissions Modeling for clean cooking projects/organizations
2) Advocacy campaigns at provincial and national government, institutional and industry levels.
3)Designing, planning, writing, lobbying, and implementing a clean cooking policy at all levels motioned above.
4) Capacity building for carbon emissions/ GHGs based carbon accounting for clean cooking projects/organizations
5) Becoming the coordinating partners for the alliance in Pakistan and South Asia (especially Afghanistan)
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
House#622, Kurram Road , Sector G-9/1
Islamabad, Federal 44000
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Selina Irfan
Title: Lead-Energy Transition, Climate Change & Carbon Markets
Phone: 00923201111104
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