Community Resource Improvement for Development
Wish to see poor and vulnerable people live with well-being standard and welfare with professional skills.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Institutional Cooking, Livelihoods, Microfinance
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Crop residues, Solar, Wood
Other Technologies Fuels
Clean Cooking Activities
The strategic goals of the Community Resource Improvement for Development are;
1. Promotion the Wood-saving Stoves
2. Protection of Environment
3. Livelihood Security Program
4. Moral Education
5. Contributing to reduction of epidemic of AIDS and Drugs
Cooperate with the authority (village, commune, and the chief of school compound) and potential women in the community to determine the target of training course. Encourage women to seek technician professions (wood, Samaki stoves, and palm sugar stoves). The students pair theory with practice . It is each student’s obligation to participate in implementation, whereas theory is taught as a mention, explanation, and through practice. Theory is as implementation that students have to do the exam every lesion to show students’ ability.
The training is for five days and three days (eight hours a day from Monday to Friday).
Facilitate the farmers and teachers in small group to make them challenge for development when they go back home to implementation at school and farmers’ homes applying to implementation activities in study.
Facilitate to prepare in saving involvement for self-helping group making structure management in group and some rules. When each ending course, providing Samaki stove model and palm sugar model to students by CRID.
-Sharing good experiences to students
-At the end of each course, CRID provides certificates to students.
National Bio-Digester Program (NBP)
- Provincial Department ofAgriculture
- Development Parners
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
National Road 7
Kampong Cham, Kampong Cham 14072
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Sam An Sem
Title: Executive Director
Phone: +855(0)12218575
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Tehong Chhet
Title: PC
Phone: +855(0)98462270
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