DelAgua Group
DelAgua uses enterprise and innovation to deliver tangible health and environmental benefits that help create conditions for sustainable economic growth in developing countries.
ENTERPRISE: We harness carbon finance to distribute technologies at scale and operate for the long term. We bring the skills of business, technology, government, local communities and social enterprise together.
INNOVATION: We focus on new ways to transform health and the environment: Funding, Project design and implementation, Technology.
Brand Purpose: Transforming lives and nature through enterprise.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behaviour Change, Capacity Building, Distribution, Skills Transfer, Climate/Environment, Health, Monitoring and Evaluation, Data Collection, Research, Carbon Finance
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.)
Clean Cooking Activities
DelAgua is the world’s leading carbon project developer in clean cookstoves for rural sub- Saharan Africa. To date, through our Live Well programme, we have delivered over 1.5 million stoves, improving more than 7 million lives. The Live Well programme is translated and known locally as: Rwanda: Tubeho Neza; Sierra Leone: Livɛ Fyn; The Gambia: Live Well. We always work in partnership with Governments. We believe that success comes from developing effective partnerships with host Governments so that we can understand the country’s clean cooking requirements and precisely target those sectors of the rural population most in need, who do not have access to clean cooking via other initiatives and cannot afford a retail stove.
Our focus is on transforming the lives and environment of Africa’s poorest rural communities by providing, free of charge, the best-performing rocket stove along with lifelong integrated education and support. We train and pay a network of over 7,000 community-based workers to deliver this and is essential to achieving long term behaviour change.
The rural communities we work with have previously been excluded from clean cooking because of lack of affordability. Carbon financing is enabling the transformation of millions of lives, avoiding CO2 emissions and reducing deforestation. Because our unique free issuance model depends on the production of carbon credits generated by the stoves for funding, the integrity of those credits is of primary importance to us. We pioneered the use of technology so that we can accurately geo locate and track the usage of every single stove throughout its 10-year life. Our monitoring and data collection is market leading: Through twice yearly in-person visits we gather detailed data on each one of our >1.5 million beneficiary households which enables us to understand their needs and continually develop the Live Well programme to best serve them as well as providing the usage information that underpins the integrity of our Live Well carbon credits.
DelAgua would like to contribute its experience in health education, adoption/behaviour change, monitoring, evaluation and research from its innovative Live Well programme. DelAgua has expert understanding of rural communities who are at risk of being left behind in the adoption of clean cooking because they are fundamentally too poor to purchase an ICS and who only have access to wood fuel for cooking. These rural communities typically represent c90% of the population within Africa’s LDCs so finding ways to deliver clean cooking to them at scale and pace and for the long term is crucial in tackling climate change and health inequalities.
From over a decade’s experience as a pioneer of carbon financing for clean cooking, and the leading clean cookstove carbon project developer in rural sub-Saharan Africa, DelAgua would also like to contribute to the development of higher standards of impact and integrity for carbon credits generated by cookstove projects. The CCA has a central role to play in setting standards and building trust in cookstove credits for the voluntary market.
We are committed to transparency in every aspect of our project delivery and seek to share project information and insights freely to improve understanding of how we work and show the evidence-based impact this has on the communities we serve. We always welcome field visits to see our team in action and to witness the stoves in daily use.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Sierra Leone
Regional Centre of Excellence
59, KG 9 Nyarutarama, Kigali, Rwanda
UK Office
Unit 3, The Old Dairy, Lower Fyfield, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 1PY, United Kingdom
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Euan McDougall
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Phone: UK Mobile: +44 7825 416185 | Rwanda Mobile: +250 788 386 128
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Kate Bruges
Title: Communications Director
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