Development Focus
Development Focus promotes relevant and quality education for the most marginalized sections of society by engaging with and building the capacity of civil society actors such that it leads to educated, egalitarian and empowered communities
We support inclusive “education” of moral values, life skills, livelihood skills and appropriate technologies resulting in a better quality of life for poor and vulnerable communities to further facilitate social, economic, and political empowerment of the community leading to effective local governance
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Livelihoods, Marketing, Monitoring and Evaluation
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Crop residues, Electricity, Kerosene, Solar, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
We implemented a “Clean Development Mechanism” Project on a pilot basis from 2014-16 in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh & Orissa, which are the poorest states in India. Over 90% of rural households use firewood for cooking and kerosene for lighting. 420 youth were trained to “Make-Market-Maintain” Fuel Efficient Stoves (FES) and Solar Lanterns (SL). 50% of these were young women.
For the FES, sheet metal molds are produced and given to entrepreneurs. They use locally available bricks, earth/clay and terracotta pipes to produce low cost cookstoves. The trained youth go around villages and construct these stoves in houses where they are willing to pay for the same. These stoves consume less than 50% of firewood than traditional stoves. The combustion of fuel is more complete and the stoves produce very little smoke, thereby creating a healthy environment within the house. Over 2,500 households have bought the FES and are using them, thereby saving energy, saving money, enjoying health benefits, protecting trees and the environment with less CO2 emissions.
Around 200 youth were trained to assemble and solar lanterns. These SLs are fast replacing the smoking kerosene lanterns in more than 2,000 houses.
These clean energy devices provide livelihood opportunities to youth as well as clean energy to their communities.
We want to scale this up and reach 100,000 households with FES and SL thereby saving substantial amounts of CO2 emissions. We will also claim carbon credits.
We see tremendous opportunities in rural India to promote clean cookstoves and other clean development mechanisms. Considering the large population of 1.3 billion people and nearly 70% of them living in rural areas, the potential is very big. Although the savings in CO2 emission per household is small, the large number of households accounts for large savings. These clean devices further improve the quality of life of these poor, rural folks. With our approach of training rural youth to produce and sell, the initiative provides much needed livelihood opportunities to a few young women and men.
Through this partnership with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, we hope to learn a lot from the experiences of other partners. We will also be able to share our experiences. In our approach, we first sensitize the communities of the advantages of these energy saving devices and its impact in the long run. The communities get involved and support the youth in their efforts to sell the products. The community also ensures that the households buy the products and use them on an ongoing basis.
We particularly look forward to more knowledge and skills in the area of claiming carbon credits.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
917, 9th B main, 3rd C cross, HRBR layout, block 1
Bangalore, Karnataka 560043
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Thomas Paul
Title: Managing Trustee
Phone: +919844124874
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Diptty Joseph
Title: Program Coordinator
Phone: +918025451823
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