Ecologica Institute
Ecologica Institute is a Brazilian non-governmental organization (NGO) that works to mitigate the effects of climate change through scientific research and community-based conservation activities.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Carbon Finance, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Standards, Technology and Fuel R&D
Other Organizational Expertise
In 2006, Ecologica Institute created the SOCIALCARBON Standard, a co-benefits standard for carbon offset projects that assess the social and environmental value created by the project in addition to the carbon reduced. Today the SOCIALCARBON Standard is regarded as a premier co-benefits standard and being used in Brazil, China, Turkey, and Indonesia
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Ethanol / Alcohol, Solar
Other Technologies Fuels
Tocantins Bioethanol Program: This program aims to implement an efficient and sustainable model for the production and commercialization of ethanol for fuel and industrial use in the state of Tocantins. The innovation in this program is that the ethanol will be produced from cassava, which is indigenous to the Cerrado and Amazonia biomes.
Clean Cooking Activities
Tocantins Energy, Education, and Participation Program: An initiative to provide technical training in energy efficiency to local leaders and technicians from public and private institutions in the state of Tocantins. The project resulted in: Raised awareness for 1328 people in 24 municipal regions; trained 375 multipliers in 20-hour duration courses; Translation of educational material into 4 indigenous dialects; compilation of educational material (multiplier's manual and theme leaflets on Hydro resources, environmental legislation, citizenship and opportunities); Distribution of educational material in the school network of the State.
Hybrid Energy for the Canguçu Research Centre: Main objective of this Project is to provide clean energy for Canguçu Research Centre by implementing solar panels power generation and storage, hydrogen cells or motors adapted to hydrogen combustion. These alternatives are going to substitute electricity that would otherwise be generated by thermal power plants.
Energy and Carbon Flow Tower of Bananal Island: Ecologica Institute was responsible for the installation of an energy and carbon flow tower in the surrounding regions of Bananal Island, the largest fluvial island on earth. The tower is responsible for generating a variety of meteorological, climatologic and energy and carbon flow variables, which are analyzed by professionals. The results of the research have already been presented in scientific congresses throughout the world
In the past decade, Ecologica Institute has accomplishments the following:
- 460,000 tons of carbon dioxide sequestered or reduced through reforestation projects, avoidance of deforestation and energy switching (switching fossil fuels for renewable energy)
- 2,323.73 hectares of native forest conserved through the creation of Private Natural Reserves
- 300 hectares of regenerated forest through reforestation, forest enrichment and changes in agroforestry practices
- 6,480 people have been educated about climate change, renewable energy, environmental preservation and conservation and community development
- 110 families have gained access to the global economy through the commercialization of sustainable products that benefit the climate
- 46 studies about climate change, renewable energy, environmental conservation and preservation, and community development that have been disseminated through publications, newspapers, websites, events and expositions
- Facilitating collaboration among rural community leaders, academic institutions, private enterprises and the public sector in Brazil
- Scientific research on climate change, technology adoption and community capacity building
- Development and management of sustainable development certification standards (e.g. SOCIALCARBON standard)
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean
Country Based In
Rua Dr Bacelar 368
Conjunto 73 - Vila Clementino
Sao Paulo, SP 04026-001
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Stefano Merlin
Title: President
Phone: 55 11 2649.0036
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