Ekasi Energy
Ekasi Energy's mission to to provide enabling technologies to local implementers for creating clean energy with biomass fuels.
We provide equipment and tools to allow for the manufacture of biomass pellets fuel that is used in conjunction with a fan assisted gasifier stove for domestic cooking and heating tasks.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment, Heating, Marketing
Technologies & Fuels
Pellets / Briquettes
Clean Cooking Activities
We want to empower cooking fuel partners to produce fuel from waste biomass into pellets. We believe that increased availability of an affordable fuel coupled with an easy to use cooking appliance will change behaviour.
Our business model relies on income from fuel to create sustainable income and regard stove revenue as an important support activity.
The biomass value chain creates jobs, value and importantly could replace other supply chains that are less effective and environment friendly.
Our attendance at the 2017 GACC Summit in Delhi India was insightful and we believe that we can play a role in growing clean cooking markets and accelerating the change through a sustainable SME business model.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
South Africa
11 Distillery Road
Stellenbosch, Westen Cape 7600
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Dave Lello
Title: Founder & CEO
Phone: +27 82 891 8335
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