Energia Technology (Uganda)
Energia’s mission is to bring the benefits of safe, renewable biogas energy to families across Northern Uganda. Its vision is that rural families across Africa have access to biogas cooking energy, with all its allied health, social and environmental benefits.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Climate/Environment, Livelihoods, Policy Development, Research
Other Organizational Expertise
Local knowledge of the needs of families in the target area of Northern Uganda.
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Natural Gas / Methane
Clean Cooking Activities
Energia is a Uganda-registered social enterprise specialising in safe, renewable energy systems for low income families in Northern Uganda. It seeks health, social and environmental outcomes through its services:
* Health: protect families, particularly women and children, from respiratory health impacts of burning traditional cooking and lighting fuels such as firewood, charcoal and kerosene
* Women’s empowerment: free up women and children by reducing long hours spent collecting firewood
* Biodiversity/climate change: promote conservation and avoid deforestation by reducing the demand on wood resources
* Food security: improve garden productivity through fertiliser produced as a by-product of biodigestion, improving soils and crop resilience
* Employment/enterprise: job opportunities for low income communities in biogas technologies and allied services such as power, drying and portable gas.
What we need
Energia is looking for grant funding to undertake pilot work in three Northern Ugandan villages to refine its business model, looking at the potential for results-based finance, sponsorship, and family income to drive uptake of portable biogas systems (as trialled successfully in Kenya).
Energia has much to contribute to anyone interested in addressing extreme hardship in this region following decades of insecurity, the burden of which has fallen on women and children. Its specific expertise is in understanding village and domestic energy ambitions/needs, and translating these into workable technology solutions for health, social and environmental benefit.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
United Kingdom
1 Trumpington Street
Cambridge, CB21QA
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Dr. Jake Reynolds
Title: Chairman
Phone: +44 (0)7921799929
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Denis Ojok
Title: Chief Executive
Phone: +256 (0)775451784
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