Engineers without Borders Germany, Berlin
Efficient Cooking in Tanzania - EfCoiTa project is a cooperation of the German NGO Engineers without Borders Germany (EWBG) and the Tanzanian NGO Community Habitat Environmental Management (CHEMA). It focus on the technical improvement of different ICS and their distribution inside Kagera region, Tanzania. A self-feeding stove distribution requires people's empowerment, end user’s acceptance and educational advertising. EfCoiTa project wants to face these challenges.
We are open to any cooperation - please contact us.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Lab or Field Testing, Research, Technology and Fuel R&D
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Crop residues, Pellets / Briquettes, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
EfCoiTa deals with different ICS designs, as pulverised fuel batch stoves - Sawdust stove, different TLUD designs and Rocket stoves for domestic and institutional application. The stove improvement follows the test methods, Water Boiling Test, Controlled Cooking Test and the Kitchen Performance Test, combining scientific development approaches and the involvement of end users and their perspectives. A population survey was used to identify social-cultural cooking habitats, ICS needs and existent ressources.
Seminars and demonstrations in environmental and ICS relevant issues and in-service training shall involve the community to comply with the requirements for a sustainable stove market. The EfCoiTa project focus currently a commercial distribution approach inside a two years project framework. The EfCoiTa project was till now entirely funded by the Heidehof foundation, Germany.
For further questions or cooperations please contact us:
EfCoiTa is seeking to exchange experience, stove designs, data and human resources to form a strong alliance for Improved Cooking Stoves especially in the East-African region.
We believe that a profound knowledge transfer and tight cooperation with various actors are essential for reaching our projects and the MDGs.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Fabian Schmid
Title: EWBG member
Email: fabian.schmid@ingenieure-ohne-grenzen.or
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Adelard Ndibalema
Title: CHEMA-stove expert
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