Fundación Ecuatoriana de Tecnología Apropiada - FEDETA
Through the creation, development, and application of scientific, technological, and humanistic knowledge, FEDETA works to achieve a world that is "More socially just, ecologically healthier, and technologically more human."
To achieve this, FEDETA:
Creates energy solutions based on the utilization of clean energy sources.®
Provides training and assessment services on entrepreneurial issues, achieving the satisfaction of our patrons through the promise of personalized solutions, a policy of continuous improvement, and quality systems management.
Supports the most disadvantaged sectors of Ecuador with the development of project and methodologies to improve the productivity and competitive status of excluded populations.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Health, Technology and Fuel R&D
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Solar
Other Technologies Fuels
Electricity via PV or microhydro installs.
Clean Cooking Activities
M&E of small (~150 beneficiary) biomass cookstove project carried out February-June, 2013 an indigenous community in Ecuador's coastal lowlands. Monitoring includes IAP analysis and biomass (firewood) consumption measures, along with user feedback.
FEDETA would ideally work to support the alliance as a project implementer and as a promoter of clean cookstove technology in Ecuador, where dissemination and adoption of these technologies lags far behind that of neighboring countries and others with similar socio-economic indicators in the region.®
While the organization has fairly minimal experience as a cookstove implementer, FEDETA brings extensive project implementation and education/training experience in the clean energy field to the table, along with familiarity with® and local contacts in many areas of rural Ecuador. Existing partnerships with local research institutions and national and regional nonprofits could be leveraged to create quality projects with robust M&E aspects, and former partnerships with governmental actors could be reinvigorated through CCS activities.
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean
Country Based In
Av. 12 de Octubre y Veintimilla Edificio El Girón
Torre E, Ofic. 701
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Samuel Schlesinger
Title: Project Coordinator
Phone: (593) 093 903 9962
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