GenteGas S.A.
GenteGas S.A. seeks to alleviate indoor air pollution and the associated disease and death in Guatemala by using a market-based initiative that offers accessible and affordable clean gas stoves.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Finance / Investment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Research, Marketing
Technologies & Fuels
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Clean Cooking Activities
We just completed a market study (sample size 300) to help understand consumer behavior related to cooking fuel in Guatemala in the department of Sacatepequez. We plan to launch women entrepreneur training, and begin stove sales and distribution pared with micro-finance in 2013.
We would like to share sector research and focus on the development of stove sales and distribution models.
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean
Country Based In
United States
3034 Miwok Way
Clayton, CA 94517
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Christina Espinosa
Title: Co-founder
Phone: 925-914-7654
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