Gloria Mundi Energy Farming Inc
To grow energy crops using sustainable integrated farming principles®
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Livelihoods
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Ethanol / Alcohol, Solar
Other Technologies Fuels
Clean Cooking Activities
Solar cooking uses parabolic troughs to create steam to cook sugar juice. Backup heat source is biogas created from agriwaste on the farm. Juice is evaporated under vacuum which speeds up the cooking time, with pump driven by solar panel.
The 8 ha farm in Davao, Philippines is a showcase for integrated farming using renewable energy sources. I had 12 students from Cebu there for three weeks in April learning the processes with a view to implementing whatever they can in their home town. I paid them salaries. although the payment went into paying their university fees for the next semester. This model works well for me and for on-the-job-training students, or other volunteers.
They will learn about:
Shrimp farming (1.5 hectares of shrimp ponds)
Vegetable garden with green house
Compost/vermiculture (ready by July)
Tapping of palm trees for low Glycemic Index sugar (suitable for diabetics)
Solar pumps
Solar cooking (ready by Aug)
Biogas digester (ready by July)
Microorganisms to activate soils such as mycorrhiza, frankia, organic Effective Microorganisms
Regions Operating In
East Asia and Pacific
Country Based In
Davao Integrated Organic Aquafarm
Coronon, Davao n.a.
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Anders Haagen
Title: President
Phone: (8529) 325-1452
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