Created in 2006 and located in Bamako Djélibougou building Mafa HAIDARA on the road to Koulikoro in Mali, the Yiriimex Group is a company specializing in the recovery of agricultural residues in briquettes and biofuel pellets as well as the distribution of improved cooking equipment. Its vision is to produce more than 2 million tonnes of biofuels per year and to distribute one million improved thins to consumers by 2030. The activities are: production of briquettes and granules, production of bioethanol and clothing. and distribution of bioethanol, lighter and pellet stoves in Mali.
Other Organization Type
Other Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change; Capacity Building; Carbon Finance; Climate/Environment; Finance / Investment; Gender / Women's Empowerment; Health; Heating; Humanitarian / Emergency Response; Institutional Cooking; Lab or Field Testing; Livelihoods; Marketing; Microfinance; Monitoring and Evaluation; Policy Development; Research; Standards; Technology and Fuel R&D
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Crop residues, Electricity, Ethanol / Alcohol, Pellets / Briquettes, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
Cooking energy is essential energy for industries, craftsmen, households and the general population. The population's access to energy must be ensured in order to guarantee food, health, economic and social security in Mali in a context where 75 to 80% of energy needs depend on the exploitation of natural resources. The demand for biomass now exceeds more than 10 million tonnes per year for cooking. In 2014, Yiriimex installed a pilot briquette production unit to supply households and industries with biofuels. The company has supplied the following consumers with briquettes, pellets and clean cooking technology: these are the Police School in Mali, the Women's Detention Soap Center in Mali, 5 regions (Ségou, Mopti, Gao , Ménaka and Tombouctou) of the displaced persons camps of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees through the NGO Stop Sahel, a few restaurants in Mali. And the project to install cookers in school canteens is underway with the World Food Program (WFP).
Our objective in this partnership is to have experience exchanges with all players in the cooking sector for the transformation of agricultural residues into biofuels as well as the production of improved cookers in order to contribute to energy efficiency and energy transition to new and renewable energies in Mali.
Also, to have a framework of exchanges with various investors for the achievement of our objective of 2 million tonnes of biofuels per year and the distribution of one million cookers to potential consumers in Mali by 2030. The implementation implementation of this project will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Mali and the Sahel.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Bamako Djelibougou Im. Mafa HAIDARA route de Koulikoro
Bamako, Mali, Mali BP E 3144
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Amzatou KONE
Title: Deputy General Director
Phone: 0022376229101
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Oumar DIALLO
Title: Chairman and CEO
Phone: 0022376171722
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