Heritage Foundation of Pakistan
To document and conserve the traditional and historic built environment of Pakistan; create an awareness of Pakistan’s rich and diverse historic architecture and art; and to promote cultural heritage for social integration, peace and development.
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Livelihoods
Other Organizational Expertise
Heritage Conservation
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Crop residues, Pellets / Briquettes
Clean Cooking Activities
The Pakistan Chulah exemplifies energy conservation, along with fostering social uplift and improved health of women residing in sub-urban and rural areas of industrially developing countries. It has been designed as a zero carbon footprint, clean burning fuel-efficient double cook stove. It utilizes small sticks or twigs, agricultural waste and sawdust bricks. It is constructed entirely with sun-dried mud bricks or layered mud/lime application carrying a lime/mud render for weather resistance.
Heritage Foundation of Pakistan has helped build 40,000 Pakistan Chulahs at no cost to donors. The self build Pakistan Chulah is extremely low cost (US$8.00 including the fee paid to the master trainer, labeled Barefoot Entrepreneur}, and acts as a source of women’s empowerment. Because of its fuel efficient attributes and use of reduced biomass, It represents environmental and social justice for marginalized sections, at the same time fostering an elevated status for women in society.
Would like to explore funding opportunities in order to maintain and monitor current operations present throughout the country.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
E-6, 4th Gizri St
Karachi, Sindh 44000
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mrs. Yasmeen Lari
Title: Chief Executive
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mrs. Asfania Farman
Title: Personal Assistant to Yasmeen Lari
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