International Institute for Ecological Agriculture
Though conferences, consultations and the production of educational resources IIEA is giving people everywhere access to the knowledge, methods and means to create truly sustainable living communities
Other Organization Type
Non-Profit Organization
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Climate/Environment
Technologies & Fuels
Ethanol / Alcohol
Clean Cooking Activities
IIEA provides educational outreach and resources demonstrating the benefits of (and teaching how we can implement) sustainable food, fuel and localized job development programs based on the production of appropriate-scale bio-fuel energy solutions. Working with rural and urban communities around the world, IIEA is helping communities, develop sustainable alternative energy programs that utilize surplus and waste stream resources to produce bio-ethanol for cooking, refrigeration, heating, electrical generation as well as transportation needs. IIEA advocates for bio-ethanol use to support clean fuel cookstoves usage that will prevent exposure for women and children to toxic emissions from wood and fossil fuel-based indoor cooking and heating, help lower carbon emissions and stop deforestation. IIEA is focused on designing pilot programs for clean cook stove and localized bio-ethanol fuel production implementation in countries including Haiti, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Nicaragua.
We would like to help develop and enhance programs that demonstrate the efficiency gains and multiple-benefits associated with encouraging localized appropriate-scale bioalcohol fuel production including abundant food, job and energy development
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
United States
343 Soquel Ave. 3191
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Tom Harvey
Title: Director
Phone: 831-688-8970
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