International Sustainable Livelihood Foundation (ISLF)
The mission of ISLF is to promote sustainable livelihood and economic empowerment of people affected by civil strife and natural disaster.® The core value of the mission is to assist the affected individuals and communities to become ® economically self reliant. The Foundation will create opportunities for self-employment and wage-employment, build capacity and improve markets. Over a period of time, this would enable the people to build up their capacity, asset ownership, self-esteem and social status. ISLF's motto is to help people to help themselves.®
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Livelihoods
Other Organizational Expertise
ISLF has capacity and experience in implementing livelihood, capacity building and community based small business projects in developing countries. Expertise of the Directors and staff of ISLF and associated partners include agriculture, livestock development, aquaculture, capacity building of youth in post secondary education, energy management including fuel wood management, renewable energy and community based small businesses.
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
ISLF has implemented four livelihood projects and one small business project in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka to strengthen the livelihood of individuals and communities affected by the Sri Lankan civil strife. The Organization is planning to implement a project to promote post secondary education of youths in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka.
Presently, our livelihood projects do not include clean cook stoves. We believe that clean cook stoves can be easily incorporated in our on-going livelihood projects and if clean cook stoves are a part of a sustainable livelihood package, there would be greater degree of success.®
We would like to promote clean cooking stove to the participants of our on-going projects in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. We have on-going sustainable livelihood projects in 4 villages. The beneficiaries are women headed households, many of whom are war widows. Initially, we would like to give each participating women headed household one improved cooking stove (Anagi -2) free of charge. At a later stage, we should be able to sell the cooking stove at an affordable price (or at a subsidized price). We also intend to establish local potteries that manufacture improved fuel wood cooking stoves. To implement these activities, we need additional funding support, for which we would like the assistance of The Alliance.
We strongly believe that our partnership with The Alliance on the above activities will contribute to The Alliance's goal, while strengthening our projects and activities. ® ® ®
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
United States
P.O. Box 1066
Amherst, NY 14226
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Dr. Arumugam Kandiah
Title: Director/Secretary Executive Committee
Phone: 206-816-2690
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Joseph Amarasingham
Title: Director/Chairman, Executive Committee
Phone: 425-406-6295
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