Jinja Empowerment Organization
We sell solar reflectors and water pasteurization indicators, thermal cooking bags, and efficient charcoal stoves. Education is an essential component of this plan. We teach customers to adapt to sustainable cooking methods.
Other Organization Type
Community Based Organization
Organizational Expertise
Carbon Finance, Health, Adoption / Behavior Change, Gender / Womens Empowerment
Other Organizational Expertise
We are a cooperative business model that works to alleviate poverty and empower Ugandans through the sales and demonstration of sustainable cooking products. Sales representatives educate the community about clean cooking methods.;We produce pamphlets and brochures that describe the health, environmental, and monetary savings benefits of clean cooking products. We partner with local craftsmen, tailors, and artists to produce the products.
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Coal, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
Our products appeal directly to residents of developing nations who rely on charcoal and wood for cooking. We focus in Uganda, where 1kg of charcoal is used per person each day, and 95% of the population depends on biomass for energy.
We offer skills in distributing clean cooking products, conducting trainings and demonstrations on clean cooking methods. This partnership could help us expand our cooperative business model, which will save lives through clean cooking.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
95 Magwa Crescent
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Hannah Nusz
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