Kainos Green Energy
To reduce Household Air Pollution through development and distribution of renewable and clean energy products and services.
Organizational Expertise
Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Technology and Fuel R&D
Technologies & Fuels
Electricity, Ethanol / Alcohol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Pellets / Briquettes, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
Kainos Green Energy designs and manufactures clean cookstoves and also produces bio ethanol from food waste and molasses. We just concluded our pilot stage were 50 stoves were distributed and 600 liters of fuel was sold.We now intend to scale up our production for both the Clean Cook Stoves and bio ethanol.
The organization intend to share information on what we do to help others learn and benefit from our activities. We believe that sharing information to a global platform like this will have a huge impact and will contribute to the acceleration in adopting clean cooking solutions.We also believe that we can take advantage of opportunities that are published on this platform that can help us grow our works as an organization.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Annex Tutwa Road
Lusaka, Lusaka 10101
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Roy Jere
Title: Co-Founder/COO
Phone: +260965465204
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Edgar Simbeye
Title: CFO
Phone: +260955753084
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