We believe that a poor country like Mozambique has the internal resources and capabilities for their own development, starting with where we live each day closer to the needy, providing them with assistance for growth and development of their capabilities. We want to raise the welfare of poor communities in Mozambique, fighting against the barriers that constrain the increase in poverty within these communities through integrated activities and making actions based on Human Rights and Good Governance.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Heating, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Livelihoods, Microfinance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Marketing
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal
Clean Cooking Activities
The clean or improved cookstoves promotion is to address the issues like pollution, environmental degradation - being a growing and major concern both locally and globally. We believe and recognize that in many countries of African Continent, particularly in Mozambique, women and young girls are the key elements for collecting firewood in most rural households. Indeed, they west too much time walking long distances, which of course hindered them from doing other productive domestic activities. We ought to engage women in production, marketing and use of clean cookstoves, thus the value chain that this proposal holds is to improve their livelihood both economically and socially. Women are to play a very important role within the entrepreneurial activities, because the adoption of clean cookstoves is one way to empower them in the society. KULIMA is providing training and sharing of experience on clean cooking stove production in different parts of Mozambique. KULIMA also works on distribution and marketing of stoves.
KULIMA has a long experience in working for development of poor communities. That is a strength when we should make those communities starting to use the imporved cooking stoves. We would like to share our experience with other businesses and organisations who might not have such experience in working with comunities.
We also see that the technology for stove production can be improved. Therefore there is use for a forum across national borders, that can discuss and share technology.
In Mozambique we want to create a cooparative Clean cook stoves producucers. The aim is to organize local producers to improve their access to technology and credit, the distribution and marketing systems and exchange of nowledge.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Avenida Karl Marx 1452
Maputo, Maputo PO BOX. 4404
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Domenico Liuzzi
Title: National Director
Phone: +258 21 430665
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mrs. Anathalie Musabyemariya
Title: Provincial Delegate
Phone: +258 21 497653
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