Legacy Foundation
Legacy Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable human development and preservation of our environment, through integration of community empowerment, education, awareness, technology and management services.
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Livelihoods, Policy Development, Research, Marketing, Technology and Fuel R&D
Other Organizational Expertise
Legacy Foundation's main focus in on training and networking of biomass briquette producers and trainers. Biomass briquettes provide a fuel wood alternative.
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.)
Clean Cooking Activities
Training of Trainers in Biomass Fuel Production Guatemala.
Development and testing of a Hand operated Thresher for Biomass Materials Preparation
Legacy Foundation offers extensive experience in training producers and trainers of biomass fuel production. Further, through knowledge and skills of the fuel technology LF can provide technical support to new and experienced biomass fuel producers. LF further is working with a world wide network of producers and trainers in over 40 countries.
Regions Operating In
East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, Northern America, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
United States
4886 Highway 66
Ashland, OR 97520
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Richard Stanley
Title: Director
Phone: 541 292 3457
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