Lineenbaal Women Association
Lineenbaal Women Association (LiWA)'s mission is to serve vulnerable and marginalized women in the poorest communities in Ghana, specifically with the Northern Sector. LiWA engages in a diverse range of innovative solutions that focus on health, agriculture and food security, energy, employment, education, and human rights.
Other Organization Type
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Livelihoods, Marketing, Microfinance
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Electricity, Kerosene, Solar, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
We do distribution of Clean Cook Stove. We do advocacy, sensitization and education. Environmental / Climate Change initiatives
Our interest is to scale up our initiatives to reach out to more of our members, educate several community women and possibly train our members on how to create their own cook stoves at home.
Lineenbaal Women Association is a Self-Help Membership Group of women numbering currently over 2,350.
With our current experience in distributing Clean Cook Stoves we want to partner organisations and institutions to do more sensitisation and education on the use and benefits cook stove. We want our members to be trained on how to manufacture the Cook Stoves and use it as the only energy for our domestic use as well as generate income for our members.
We want to distribute over 15,000 Stoves in the next four years.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
No. Y490, Letuce Street, P. O. Box NK 38, Kpassa.
Kpassa (Nkwanta North District), Oti Region 00233
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mrs. Victoria Ujan
Title: Chairperson
Phone: +233 24 875 2774
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Lydia Dakoja
Title: Secretary
Phone: +233 55 275 0200
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