MarViva Foundation
Promote conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, envisioning healthy biodiverse oceans for the present and future generations.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Research
Other Organizational Expertise
empowerment of community-base stakeholders for sustainable use of natural resources; design and implementation of management plans to reduce environmental degradation (mangroves)
Technologies & Fuels
Clean Cooking Activities
MarViva works with authorities, local leaders, community-base organizations, and families in impoverished coastal communities in Colombia to promote behavioral change towards conservation and responsible use of coastal and marine resources. Mangroves are critical ecosystems sustaining marine biodiversity, food security, carbon sequestration, and resilience in face of climate/natural disasters. MarViva has been highly successful in the promotion of eco-efficient stoves that have proven significant reduction in wood requirements and in the smoke emissions affecting the health of women (traditional family cooks) and other family members. We have developed local capacity for implementation, training, and monitoring in select coastal communities along the northern Pacific. MarViva's interest on partnering with GACC is to replicate the positive results obtained in the preliminary pilots, enabling the expansion/scaling of the use of eco-efficient stoves throughout the overall coastal region where there is no electricity and populations depend heavily on mangrove wood for cooking and subsistence.
MarViva seeks to partner with Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves as local implementer of collaborative initiatives in promotion of the adoption of best practices to reduce environmental degradation and improve human health through clean cooking technologies in coastal areas in Colombia.
Among others, MarViva will contribute:
-field experience and proven results in the implementation of eco-efficient stoves that reduce the amount of mangrove wood required to cook and reduce the smoke emissions that damage the health of the women in charge of cooking
-experience exchange with GACC and partners, and incorporation of lessons learned to improve project implementation in Colombia
-long-standing relations and partnership with community-base organizations and local authorities for collaborative execution and monitoring of project work plans and results
-access to local governance schemes and local leaders
-local base of trained trainers enabling replication and scalability of eco-efficient cook stoves throughout the northern Pacific region
-knowledgeable technical experts (i.e.: participatory generation and implementation of management plans, integrated coastal management, mangrove management and conservation, local governance, coastal community and rural development, sustainable development, capacity building, construction and operation of eco-efficient stoves)
- long-term presence in the coastal areas in Chocó region (area has been heavily affected by armed conflict- peace process in effect since last year-, displaced populations, remote location, lack of terrestrial access to coastal communites, extreme poverty, and marginal afrodescendent populations)
-proven capacity for outreach, communications, awareness generation
-financial stability
-transparency in project and budgetary management
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean
Country Based In
CR 45 A 93 71 Barrio La Castellana
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Alejandra Pacheco
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