Mennonite Economic Development Associates
As an association of Christians, faithful in daily work and committed to sharing abilities and resources, MEDA creates business solutions to poverty.
Our Values
We seek to create, sustain and innovate.
We treat clients, colleagues and partners with respect and dignity.
We promote justice for the poor by helping them develop entrepreneurial skills and seize economic opportunity.
We value partnerships with the poor and others regardless of gender, race, class, ethnicity, nationality or religion.
We carefully manage human, financial and environmental resources by emphasizing accountability, discipline and sustainability.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Finance / Investment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Livelihoods, Research
Other Organizational Expertise
Analyze, design, and implement technology solutions that help organizations transform the way that they do business in increasingly complex, competitive, and dynamic environments. Stimulate market demand and response from targeted audiences using incentives and smart subsidies delivered through rapid deployed technologies, such as e-vouchers. Implement technology into operations, gathering real-time intelligence, to increase scales, extend client reach and improve project effectiveness. Design and implement technologies that extend timely information to people in disconnected and marginalized markets, especially those in rural areas.
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
MEDA believes that it's e-Voucher is a unique tool to deliver subsidies to targeted households. This® is an avenue that might be explored as a vehicle to assist manufacturers to promote the adoption of clean cookstoves.
MEDA's Private Sector Development--Health focus area provides project management skills and technical expertise that engage and strengthen the private sector's role in solving today's health challenges. MEDA's approach is to leverage commercial resources to help overcome barriers to improved health systems. We specialize in logistics, supply chain management, distribution via smart incentives such as vouchers, and technology solutions such as GPS mapping and SMS messaging. The Private Sector Development--Health team has the skillsets to mobilize and expand the use of commercial applications of technology, such a clean cookstoves by:
Building and improving supply chains for health products;
Stimulating demand and usage of health products and commodities, such as our experience with Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs);
Implementing and operating vouchers and coupon systems, using paper and/or electronic means, to promote uptake of specific commodities by targeted population segments (e.g., pregnant women, children under five);
Assisting entrepreneurs to invest in developing, producing and marketing healthy products (e.g., transforming traditional foods into value-added micro-nutrient fortified products that fill nutritional deficiencies); and
Identifying new business opportunities in the broader health sphere and mobilizing resources to enable entrepreneurs to deliver health solutions (e.g., private sector channels for hypertension therapies, clean cookstoves).
Whether linking women to maternal health services with insurance products, or alternative livelihoods for people with HIV/AIDS, MEDA brings a creative approach.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
155 Frobisher Drive, Suite I-106
Waterloo, Ontario N2V 2E1
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Nadira Saleh
Title: Nutrition Communication Coordinator
Phone: 519-725-1633 ext 600
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