Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the channel through which the Dutch Government communicates with foreign governments and international organisations. It coordinates and carries out Dutch foreign policy. The Ministry has two halves: its headquarters in The Hague and its missions abroad (embassies, consulates, and permanent representations).
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Finance / Investment, Livelihoods
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
The Netherlands supports the ambitions of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and commends its global leadership to help people move beyond traditional ways of cooking (three stone fires) and to have clean kitchens at their disposal. Since 2005, the Netherlands has invested over 150 Million Euro in support of markets for clean cook stoves in low income countries, reaching over 12 million people. For the period 2014-2018 The Netherlands will continue to support successful interventions like the Africa Biogas Partnership Program, (tentatively) the Energizing Development Program, ESMAP, ASTAE, (tentatively) Deutsche Bank's Working Capital Fund, and (tentatively) the strengthening of national capacities in 3 Alliance focus countries. The budget involved is roughly USD 60 million.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands is a national donor partner of the Alliance.
Regions Operating In
Europe and Central Asia
Country Based In
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
The Hague,
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Marcel Raats
Title: Senior Advisor
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Ronald Goldberg
Title: Senior Policy Maker, Renewable Energy
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