Nature Conservation Management
Nature Conservation Management (NACOM) is the pioneer, non-government, pro-environment organization in Bangladesh. NACOM's goal is protection of nature for better human life. Its mandates relate to biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, climate change adaptation, clean energy, poverty alleviation and sustainable natural resource management through research, information exchange and undertaking conservation activities.
Organizational Expertise
Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research
Other Organizational Expertise
Biodiversity conservation and management
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
• Community Based Adaptation in the Ecologically Areas through Biodiversity Conservation and Social Protection Project in the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Peninsula ECA and Sonadia Island ECA. Activities include biodiversity conservation and climate change risk reduction, capacity building and livelihood development of local community, improved stoves manufacture and sales/distribution, adaptation measures, including habitat restoration, species conservation, sanctuary establishment, awareness raising, monitoring, etc.
• Dissemination of Improved Stoves-SED supported by German Technical Cooperation
The overall purpose of the project is to promote the use of improved earthen stoves in Cox's Bazar area with view to reduce dependence of biofuel energy in the country. However, the specific objectives of the project was to (i) reduce the pressure on plant based fuel (ii) reduce the carbon emission and (iii) reduce health risk of women arising from solid fuel combustion
• Health Effects of biomass Fuel Combustion on Women and Children and Options for Exposure Reduction in association with Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, USA. Funded by WHO since April 2007. Activities include collection of baseline data on demography, fuel uses, respiratory and others illness; provide improve cooking stoves, monitoring of health, enhancement of awareness among local community about improve cooking stoves and health.
• Steps Towards Reducing Indoor Air Pollution, supported by Canadian Development Agency (CIDA), main objectives of the project are to create an increased awareness on health issue that affect women and children, introduced improved stove, reduce fuel expenses and particularly reduce the indoor air pollution.
• Climate Resilience Ecosystem and Livelihood (CREL) is a new project with Winrock International with support from USAID. The main objectives are: improve the forest ecosystem involving local people, improve the livelihood, and clean energy is one of the component of the project. The project will start from October 1, 2012.
NACOM is implementing the clean energy program for a long with local communities and during working with them good experiences and skills have been gathered and we will like to share these with other. Exchange of knowledge by networking among Alliance member/partner is one of the important aim for improving our energy program. There are many organizations are working in different parts of the world and we will like to know from them about their success and know-how from the partnership. We will like to interact with global leaders, scientists, institutions through this network, so we can update and equipped for managing the clean energy program in Bangladesh.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
House: 41/1, Apt. A1, Road: 1 Block-A, Neketan, Gulshan-1
Dhaka, None 1212
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Rashiduzzaman Ahmed
Title: Mr.
Phone: (880171) 312-9947
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