One Life Count Empowerment Foundation
We seek to promote educational development of individuals, create health awareness , advocate for a cleaner environment and improve livelihood by way of generating jobs and empowering the people in the society.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building; Climate/Environment; Gender / Women's Empowerment; Health; Livelihoods; Marketing; Microfinance; Monitoring and Evaluation
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
Micro credit/corporate/economic empowerment is one of our thematic areas. It is part of our efforts to support our members who are low income earners and in micro business unit, we encourage members to save and have a system in place that encourages the extension of micro and other credit facilities to members in rural and urban areas. The aim is to improve their business and also improve livelihood for households who are low income earners so as to give them a better sense of existence. Our range of products are daily thrift, weekly /monthly thrift, Christmas /festivity thrift, Long term thrift, project thrift, Life saver target thrift, educational endowment thrift , medical and health support thrift, OLCEF Micro lease, OLCEF property acquisition savings scheme and OLCEF women out of poverty scheme.
Our interest related to clean cookstoves is to help in terms of distribution and spread. We will leverage on our client base to help in distribution and sales of the products
As an organization geared towards livelihood and economic empowerment issues. One way we can contribute or participate towards this partnership is to help to build strong alliance/network between the network ,OLCEF and local communities where we work by way of promoting pro-poor sustainable energy solutions at the local and national levels. We will also help to enhanced the capacities community folks on clean energy., this will in turn lead to greater returns on the benefits through the introduction and use of clean alternative energy sources and technologies such as fuel efficient stoves.
We will ensure we create more awareness for local right to resources with less impact on the resources and lower greenhouse gas emissions because we know It is also part of the global and national partnership on the dissemination of fuel efficient stoves to grant greater access to less polluting options for rural dwellers. We will ensure effective and efficient distribution of cookstoves.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
33, Benin Auchi Exoress Road,
Benin City, Edo State 300104
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Eghosa Ogbebor
Title: Executive Director
Phone: 08029125705
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Shola Oyeleke
Title: Administrative Officer
Phone: 08133221359
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