Sector Directory
To help navigate the clean cooking ecosystem, CCA maintains a Sector Directory. This free online resource includes hundreds of organizations from around the world.
To help navigate the clean cooking ecosystem, CCA maintains a Sector Directory. This free online resource includes hundreds of organizations from around the world.
To serve humanity.
Working with people in low income countries in order to help them get financial health to take good care of…
Vulgarisation des foyers améliorés Lutter contre les changements climatiques Lutter contre la déforestation Formation et sensibilisation
In order to implement the Government’s national strategy on domestic energy and the environment. While ensuring capacity building in the…
AREA’s overall goal is to contribute towards rehabilitation and development of Afghanistan in an environmentally sound manner. This is only…
Manufacture of CLEAN COOK GAS STOVE FOR ALL based on LPG/CNG/PNG/Bio-Methane
To empower small and growing businesses through access to investment capital, strategic consulting and a global community of support.
To develop green biomass briquetting in West Africa combined with pushing clean cookstoves.
Nous menons des actions dans le cadre de la protection de l’Environnement par des cultures en couloir dans l’agroforesterie ;…
The Agrideco mission is to clean the air by replacing charcoal stoves with clean cookstoves that use ethanol and by…