Sector Directory
To help navigate the clean cooking ecosystem, CCA maintains a Sector Directory. This free online resource includes hundreds of organizations from around the world.
To help navigate the clean cooking ecosystem, CCA maintains a Sector Directory. This free online resource includes hundreds of organizations from around the world.
In the early 1980s, China launched the National Improved Stove Program (NISP), the world's largest publicly financed initiative to improve…
Biomass Engineering Center, China Agricultural University is a key laboratory of Clean Production and Utilization of Renewable Energy, Ministry of…
CAREI is dedicated in the development of rural energy industry, improvement of eco-environment as well as promotion of the economical…
Poverty reduction through promotion of community empowerment interventions that result in realization of better life for all.
To promote interventions that build the well-being of underprivileged people through capacity development, advocacy, and impact mitigation.
Chipembere Community Development Organization ( CCDO) is a registered not- for- profit organization which is existing to promote interventions that…
Promote the adoption of clean stoves
Christian Aid is an international development agency which works with local partners to empower and mobilise poor and marginalised people…