PANGEA (Partners for Euro-African Green Energy)
PANGEA (Partners for Euro-African Green Energy) is a non-profit organization based in Brussels, Belgium that promotes sustainable African bioenergy production, investment and policies. It was registered in Belgium in May 2008 and its members can be found worldwide.
The goal of PANGEA is to build the African bioenergy industry by bringing together all the key players including producers, technology providers, investors, policy makers, researchers and industry experts. Since the industry is very new, there does not yet exist a forum for all of these players to interact, and so they are working independently and inefficiently. PANGEA is working to become a network for all of these players to interact, support each other, and build projects together.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health
Other Organizational Expertise
Rural Development, Small Business
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Ethanol / Alcohol
Clean Cooking Activities
PANGEA is a membership organisation and one of our members, Project Gaia Inc., is also a member of GACC. We support Project Gaia Inc. by helping to promote their work with the CleanCook ethanol stoves in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Brazil and Haiti. PANGEA is currently organising two events in the European Parliament to highlight their project and activities in order to sensitise European parliamentarians and European Commission officials, as well as the general public.
PANGEA's focus is to create sustainable bioenergy production, use and access through engagement with private sector. One of the key missing factors to the uptake of bioenergy-fueled cooking stoves is the lack of commercial availability of those stoves. Oftentimes the stoves are too expensive for every day users and often aren't available to those who may want to buy them. A key to solving these two supply issues is to encourage investment in stove production in markets where they will be used, reducing manufacturing costs while also creating semi-skilled jobs.
Through PANGEA's contacts with stove producers as well as potential investors in key markets, PANGEA seeks to encourage this kind of investment that will encourage sustainable supply of stoves. PANGEA has already been successful in this endeavour through the introduction of one of its members (Novozymes) to a potential manufacturer in one of their target countries. Our member purchased the company outright and is working with them to begin manufacturing stoves on the ground. Through the support of GACC, PANGEA could further replicate this private sector opportunity in order to get more stoves in the hands of the people who need them.
Regions Operating In
Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Rue d'Edimbourg 26
Brussels, 1050
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Meghan Sapp
Title: N/A
Phone: 32(0)2.893.1058
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