Project Stove
To raise awareness and monies to improve the health conditions of tribal women and children in India.
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Humanitarian/Emergency Response
Other Organizational Expertise
I am a teenager trying to raise awareness of the impoverished and poor health conditions among tribal women in India.®
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.)
Clean Cooking Activities
ProjectStove is developing a website to sell handbags and other products to the US population. The intital goal is to raise $2000 to purchase and install 100 stove in the follwing two villages:
1. ® Bitta (63 Families),
2.® Gamdadi (100 Families)
In these villages these trible people are using firewood for cooking. This creates lot of smoke which blackens in side of the huts and spoiles eyes and health of women and children. These earthen huts which measures 10X10 Feet have no electricity and are completely dark even in the day time.
Once succesful, the next target villages are® Makumba (80 Families), Naya Gaon (80 Families) and Adkaliya (75 Families).
My goal is to eradicate the use of poor quality cooking one village at a time.
My organization will raiese monies through a innovative mix of selling products and reaching out to US based organizations. The monies, in partnership with NGOs and local universities, will be used to procure and buy stoves for tribal communites in India.®
My current partnerships along with indigenous technology and volunteers will allow me to install a stove at the cost of $20 per household.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
United States
9709 SW 34th ln
Gainesville, FL 32608
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Reva Ranka
Title: Founder
Phone: 352 514 4213
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