Rebuild Hope for Africa (RHA)
Vision: RHA is an expression of strong conviction the actual world and Africa in particular can live a better life. RHA believes in a new integrated and effective development approach that takes into consideration peaceful conflicts resolution, human rights protection and a responsibly use of the environment and natural resources. RHA finally believes in worldwide partnership and globalization. This conviction would only materialize in an environment that promotes integrity, professionalism and the will to work for a better world
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Livelihoods, Research
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
Our specific focus on charcoal is about its use as the major energy cooking mean in semi-urbanized cities and our intention is to continue documenting the trends and consequences of solely relying on charcoal and firewood.
The communities we support have planted 60ha of eucalyptus trees since 2011 at the boarder with Kahuzi Biega National park and the intention is to produce good quality charcoal using effective combustion methods (that we do not have in our province) coupled with appropriate and culturally accepted cooking stoves to reduce deforestation, improve users health conditions, lower pressure on the park from neighboring communities that have it as sole energy supply source and contribute to CO2 absorption
This would also be a huge potential market for business and jobs opportunities.
Joining CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE would help our institution access connections to academics, technical and financial opportunities to carry on our research activities, plant more trees, exchange experience with a wider audience, widen our exposure, identify best options for cooking and saving forests at the same time, learn about policies that support clean energy and access and advocate for their implementation
We will contribute our existing knowledge on improved combustion techniques, on working with communities and our farm would serve as experimental field when and where deemed necessary
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Congo, Democratic Republic
33, Av. Kibombo, Bukavu, South-Kivu, DR Congo
Bukavu, South Kivu
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Musemakweli Mushengezi Marcellin
Title: Board Director
Phone: 00243 8964 57584
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Nkinzo Bahogwerhe Antoine
Title: Country Coordinator
Phone: 00243 8276 16585
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