RoyaltyNation - is a business platform created to unite entrepreneurs, it's a platform aimed to create and increase sustainable employment ,create faster economic growth and increase social development. At our early stage we are putting more of our efforts to encourage creativity and innovation, Our vision or main purpose is to base on Energy efficiency, finance and technology. We want to be flexible both our minds and physical be able to easily adopt to new environments within the shortest time possible. We know we have the ability to improve.
Organizational Expertise
Marketing, Research, Technology and Fuel R&D
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
RoyaltyNation - As a business platform that unites entrepreneurs RoyaltyNation would appreciate more in partnering with clean cooking activities. As a business empire or platform our main objective is to ensure that we all benefit and improve the world, in our platform we have different categories that we deal with. First we have the Royalty Marketing Platform that helps entrepreneurs sell their products. We find an available and a ready market that helps business people increase their sales and make more profits ,believing that as we partner we are able to market this products and increase their importance in the society. An idea I have about entrepreneurs is that entrepreneurs like exchanging of ideas which this helps in thinking more thus enhancing creativity so by partnering with you we will exchange ideas which I believe is more important for entrepreneurs.
As a business platform RoyaltyNation has the Royalty Marketing platform category ,which I think it will be more important and best to increase sales and make more profits which is one thing that contributes to happiness of an entrepreneur. Other important thing is that a few years later we will be based on energy efficiency, finance and technology by partnering with you this will enable us to get more skills and experience which I believe this will be part of making your organisation grow as the saying goes unity is strength. Offering a chance for us to partner with you will be another level that we get into and we will put efforts to make sure we all benefit from it. We believe we cannot change the world but we can change ourselves to improve the world. We don't promise to be the people with the best ideas but we believe in improving the ideas and making them the only option.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Mida creek road
Gede -Turtle bay road
Kilifi, Coast 813
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Harrison Baya
Title: Managing Director and service provider
Phone: 0721523740
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Mike Kalama
Title: Founder and Managing Director
Phone: 0724632722
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