Rural Extension with Africa's Poor (REAP)
To build vision and facilitate, encourage and enable churches and Christian organisations to provide a holistic teaching ministry related particularly to the development of environmentally sustainable agricultural production, food security, environmental protection, and health teaching based on Christian principles to the rural poor in Africa.
Other Organization Type
Faith Based Organisation
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Livelihoods
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
REAP focuses on teaching that is based on spiritual motivation so that people want to take action and follow this with practical teaching on what the rural poor can achieve from available local resources. Our improved kitchen programme is based on use of paddle molded clay liners based on the Upesi Jiko design. We do not however make these in production centres but encourage production within the community, and we do not fire the liners before installing them in the kitchen. The moulds are made available to the communities so that the liners can be made locally wherever there is suitable clay. This is linked with other clay and soil based teaching for improved rural kitchens which have very little smoke, are comfortable and pleasant to work in and efficient both in fuel and time use. The hearths we install fit with the traditional style of cooking but reduce the firewood consumption to less than half. We link this with wider environmental teaching, planting of multipurpose trees on the farm, preparation and drying of firewood etc. so that the kitchen is seen as part of the whole farm and home environment.
We are looking for resources so that we can extend our teaching more widely to other communities that would benefit from it. This would include being available to train other organisations in our methods at a fee, and also seeking funds so that we can provide training.
We would also like to link with other like minded organisations so that we can share our ideas and benefit from the experience of others.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
P.O. Box 21083
Ngong Road
Nairobi, 00505
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Dr. Roger Sharland
Title: Director
Phone: +254734643052
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Rosalia Oyweka
Title: Field Coordinator
Phone: +254735704421
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