SOS Energie Burkina
Its mission is to improve the living conditions of the population in Burkina Faso by creating green jobs for the production of briquettes, while reducing expenses wooden household and increasing life expectancy of people
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building
Other Organizational Expertise
Our organization aims to fight against deforestation and poverty in Burkina Faso.It work to promote the use of biomass briquettes as an alternative energy source for domestic stoves;SOS Energy Prize 2010 SEED has to its credit the many projects in the green energy sector include: - Construction and testing of biomass pyrolysis vur charcoal production - Dissemination of solar ovens and dryers.
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
The initiative necks is the establishment of a pilot center for training, production and promotion of stoves can Ecocina save over 60% of wood while also using biomass briquettes. This project concerns the central and south central Burkina.
Our organization has to make its experience in building and promoting stoves efficaces.Elle intends to contribute to this project by bringing its field experience, especially his knowledge of the environment.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Burkina Faso
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Vincent Nikiema
Phone: (7) 880-7162
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