Sustainable Computers Ltd.
To provide sustainably-powered, low-energy solutions to the developing world.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Institutional Cooking, Livelihoods, Marketing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Technology and Fuel R&D
Other Organizational Expertise
Specialists in solar-powered, low-energy infrastructure for education, healthcare, businesses, financial Services, water pumps, and agriculture in off-grid areas of the developing world, where mains electricity is either unavailable or unreliable. Installations include: A) Integrated solar-powered systems, comprising solar panels, inverters, controllers and diverse low-energy end-points according to need. B) E-Health technologies for monitoring community health, using wireless devices (such as thermometers, blood pressure monitors and pulmonary function monitors) and data storage to mobile technologies and the ‘cloud’, for assessment by clinicians at the community and/or at regional hospitals and Ministries of Health. Also facilitating collection of big data for central analysis. C) Off-grid banks for facilitating financial inclusion in off-grid, agricultural regions or where ‘load-shedding’ is a problem. D) Clean-Burning Biomass Cookstoves for domestic and institutional use in Africa.
Technologies & Fuels
Other Technologies Fuels
Low-Energy Computers
Clean Cooking Activities
Our clients invite us to design and install solar-powered resources in their communities. Increasingly, they are asking us for healthy solutions for cooking their food. We believe that biomass cookers are the answer and greatly value the aims and capabilities of the people developing solutions. We are determined to encourage their universal use in domestic and institutional environments. Through our partnerships with universities throughout the world, we would also like to explore how biomass and solar might work in tandem.
Working with other Global Alliance partners of all types to extend the reach of clean cookstove provisions throughout the world, and by making our complimentary technologies and expertise available where needed.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
United Kingdom
The Sir Colin Campbell Building
University of Nottingham Innovation Parkt
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 2TU
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Tony Winfield
Phone: 0 (44) 7932 550847
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