The Green Belt Movement
The Green Belt Movement strives for better environmental management, community empowerment, and livelihood improvement using tree-planting as an entry point.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Livelihoods
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable, Pellets / Briquettes, Solar, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
As a first step to determine whether The Green Belt Movement (GBM) can engage in Energy Efficient Technologies, a feasibility study that focused on sustainable energy initiatives that are suitable and could be promoted among rural women and families within GBM networks was undertaken in years 2011-2012. The study clearly determined that the technologies tested were feasible in several key respects and would indeed fit the needs of rural women and their families. The study was undertaken in partnership with Ashden Trust, which recommended that GBM move to promote the Upscale the Sustainable Energy Initiatives Project country-wide so that all its members are able to access the solar and energy saving technologies.
The Green Belt Movement (GBM) envisions through its current clean energy strategy a focus on capacity building for players in the improved cook stoves value chain through production of quality cook stoves, linking producers with markets, and also ensuring that a sustainable Energy Efficient Technologies (EETs) market is created. GBM will especially focus on the implementation and adaptation of the Renewable Energy Policy and energy bill. Both of these promote EETs with the policy target of eliminate kerosene as a household fuel by 2022, while promoting energy efficiency. GBM will significantly contribute by providing ready networks that have been built on the adoption of EETs.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Adams Acarde,
Nairobi, Nairobi 00200
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Wycliffe Matika
Title: Grants Officer
Phone: 254720669154
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